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"Sinners Will Be Boiled in a Pot" by Ieva Stalšene | Exhibition Opening

Wed, Apr 13



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"Sinners Will Be Boiled in a Pot" by Ieva Stalšene | Exhibition Opening
"Sinners Will Be Boiled in a Pot" by Ieva Stalšene | Exhibition Opening

Time & Location

Apr 13, 2022, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Rīga, Aristida Briāna iela 9, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia

About the Event

Kas motivē mūs būt par labiem cilvēkiem? Izstādē “Grēciniekus vārīs katlā” māksliniece Ieva Stalšene pievēršas glezniecības un scenogrāfijas mijiedarbībai, radot sakrālas telpas instalāciju.

“Domājot par izstādi vairākas dienas sevi “dedzināju” - sajutu spiedienu, ka man kā māksliniecei vajadzētu šajos laikos izdomāt pasaulē gudrāko domu, bet reāli jau vienīgais, ko es tā godīgi šobrīd nevaru neuzgleznot ir mana mamma. Tam es redzu jēgu. Mamma mani iedvesmo dzīvot, viņa ir sākums - turpinājums ir manās rokās”, radošo procesu komentē māksliniece.

Ieva Stalšene ieguvusi bakalaura grādu LMA Scenogrāfijas apkašnozarē. Turpina glezniecības studijas maģistra programmā. Darbos reflektē par dabiskā un pārdabiskā mijiedarbību, cilvēka saikni ar absolūto un pašam ar sevi. Pēta PVC materiālu iespējas glezniecībā. Šī gada februārī Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā atklāja savu pirmo personālizstādi “Pieaugušie vēnas negriež”, kur aplūkoja pašiznīcināšanās un pašsaglabāšanās tēmu. Vairākus gadus darbojas mākslinieku apvienībā “4K”.


13 - 23 April 2022: visit artist Ieva Stalšene’s solo exhibition “Sinners Will Be Boiled in a Pot” at M/Gallery.

What motivates us to be good people? In her new exhibition, Stalšene will focus on the interaction between painting and scenography by creating an installation of a sacred space.

“Thinking about the exhibition, I “burned” myself for several days - I felt the pressure that with the current events going on, I, as an artist, should come up with the smartest idea in the world. But, in reality, the only thing I can't honestly not paint right now is my mother. I see the point in it. My Mom inspires me to live, she is the beginning, and everything else is in my hands,” says Ieva.

Ieva Stalšene has a BA in Scenography from the Art Academy of Latvia and is currently completing an MA in Painting. Her works reflect on the interaction between the natural and supernatural, the human connection with the absolute, and with oneself. She explores the possibilities of PVC materials in painting. In February 2022, Ieva had her first solo exhibition, “Adults Don't Commit Suicide”, at the Art Academy of Latvia, which looked at the topic of self-destruction and self-preservation. She has been part of the artist alliance 4K for several years.

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