Contemporary Art Gallery
in cultural centre M/Darbnīca
A. Briāna iela 9, Rīga, Latvia
Wed - Sat 18:00 - 22:00

Miķelis Vanags
30 March - 24 April 2023
Our talented artists come together in a spontaneous collaboration, creating captivating audio - visual colleges that seamlessly blend philosophy and love.
At the heart of this exhibition is Miķelis Vanags, a gifted musician who has participated in numerous JAM SESSION evenings and concerts at M/Darbnīca. Together with other artists and musicians -
Miķelis Vanags
Niklāvs Kotovičs
Gatis Valters
Anastasija Peļņa
Emīlija Andersone
Artūrs Cukanovs
Spāre Vītola
- associated with M/Darbnica, Miķelis has crafted a visually stunning and thought - provoking exhibition titled "WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR EYES THE LIGHT SHINES" where you can explore your inner self through road signs and TV screens.